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Grave Oak, East Lancashire Rd, Leigh WN7 3SE
Aircraft Bed Bug Service

Our class leading heat treatment for Bed bugs has been granted NTO (non technical objection) by Boeing and Airbus and been applied to Airplanes travelling worldwide. 

With critical safety measures, expensive in cabin items and limited ground time you have  to make sure that the heat is applied correctly. Special modifications had to be made to adapt the systems to deliver 10000 cubic metres an hour of hot air often pumped over 30 feet of through ducting to the seating. 

We understand that keeping these transportation systems moving is paramount as downtime is lost revenue, however we also understand what chemicals and procedures are safe in these often restricted environments. At 35,000 feet or 125 miles per hour on the main train line, you need to be confident that there will be no issues caused by pest treatments.

Solutions that are suitable for fixed buildings are not all suitable or approved for passenger transport.

Our National network of Technicians ensures that we can pick up you problem at any Airport, when you need us.

Our Directors have carefully and methodically studied the Airline Industry Environment where Bed Bugs and pests in general have harboured and affected services and client comfort.  The silent and ressurgent Bed Bug was uncontrollable in the Aircraft and Transport Environment with conventional pest control methods. In 2013 in partnership with major airlines an adaptation from the already successful hotel heat treatment system was developed.

Since the incepetion hundreds of Aircrafts have been heat treated in the UK and through our Global partners in Asia.

Aircrafts were quickly treated and free of bed bugs without pesticides or dusts which is always a concern at 35,000 feet.